Welcome! I use this space to document and share notes about my findings, gotchas, tips, and tricks when doing development. I'm taking this as my personal knowledge base, which I hope also helps other developers to find some answers, solutions, or new approaches.

I'm currently working as Software Developer Engineer in Test , focusing mainly on building test automation frameworks with several technologies for different industries. I also do some web development freelancing. The technologies I commonly work with are:

✅`Java` for test automation: `Selenium`, `Cucumber`, `JUnit`, `Maven`
✅`TypeScript/JavaScript` for test automation: `webdriver.io` `Playwright`
✅`TypeScript/JavaScript` for web development: `MERN` `Next.js`
✅`Pyhon` for web development: `flask`
✅`Python` for test automation: `Selenium`, `pytest`, `unittest`

Most of the content here is related to languages and tools above.

Untitled Database

Packaging a test in an executable JAR file

Test automation for AutoCAD Web using Playwright and visual comparison